Factory tour plays a vital role in connecting with the secondary customers. It is a significant platform to build up more confidence showcasing larger product portfolio , technical know-how, manufacturing facility to a wider set of audience under one roof. MCL-AMD conducted factory tour initiative for 15 potential Retailers at Minda Stoneridge Instruments Limited (MSIL) & Spark Minda Technical Centre (SMIT) & Minda Corporation Limited (MCL) Pune. The factory tour was steered by various leaders from MSIL, SMIT & MCL. The team took off the tour to new heights showcasing the world class manufacturing, production facilities, Lab testing, operation sequence and quality control systems to the customers. The tour was highly appreciated by the Retailers, this initiative gave them great insights about the company and products. The learning experience boosted their confidence for the brand on high notes. The visitors appreciated the hospitality given by the organization as truly remarkable.